Reconnect and Realign with the Authentic you
Feeling as if you have lost who you really are? Sometimes people come into therapy, or some sort of life coaching because they are not feeling connected within themselves. You may not have a “reason” or “event” but want to get to know yourself better and improve your overall well-being. I describe these feelings as little knocks on the door from within. It’s when something “on the inside” doesn’t seem to match up with your life “on the outside.” Ready to reconnect to yourself?
We have all been raised to be someone. We have been taught how to fit in, how to be polite, what to do so that other people will accept us. When we show up in the world in order to fit into what is already there, we can become disconnected with our own truth and purpose in the process. We begin to believe that the thoughts of others are more important than our own. Sometimes this shows up as perfectionism, care taking, indecisiveness, and staying small. We become scared of our own ideas or taking risks. Here’s the thing, there is always that moment where you get to choose again, to begin again. I built my entire office on the idea of “re” the prefix meaning to begin again. This is where we explore the ideas of “Realignment,” “Rediscovering,” “Redefining,” “Reconnecting,” “Releasing,” and “Remembering.” Together we can work on getting to know the desires, dreams, worries and fears of your whole self, realigning with the truth of who you are, and where your soul is inviting you go. In this process you may reconnect with your own light, remember and reconnect to your purpose, and to the people you love, by showing up in a space of authenticity.
I don’t think this needs to be it’s own page but maybe down below when I talk about expressive arts, we put the link to the expressive arts page there.)
I get asked this question a lot, and the answer is whatever you want it to look like. In our lives we so often are disconnected from our inner wisdom and believe that the answers are outside of ourselves. Healing is reconnecting to our inner wisdom, falling in Love with our True selves, allowing our inner light to shine, holding space for our experiences, and learning how to then authentically connect within our relationships. In therapy, mentoring and authenticity coaching, I follow you in creating a container in which you feel safe enough to explore yourself. This looks different for every soul I work with. Sometimes we talk, but other times I support you as you connect within yourself by using expressive arts methods such as sandtray, painting, clay, psychodrama, collage making, or whatever we make up as we co create these experiences together. We use our relationship, as part of your healing, after all it is through relationships that our wounding comes therefore it makes sense that it is through relationship that our healing also comes. Sometimes healing experiences include stepping into the Connecting Within community and using group therapy as a way to begin experiencing authenticity in how you show up with others. You are the leader. I follow. I ask questions. You are the expert on you. This is about empowerment. I use my education, expertise, experience and my intuition not as a way of telling you what to do, but as a guide for me to ask the questions or create the experiences that allow you more of your inner wisdom. We brainstorm together. We connect. We explore. We light up your darkness.