Individual, Couple & Family
It takes a lot to take these first steps, but I’m guessing that you are here to feel something different than what you are feeling now.
At Connecting Within, Therapy is a time and space to give yourself permission to pause and allow your stories to be witnessed as you reconnect with the wisdom held in each aspect of who you are. It’s a time and space to realign with your true self so that you can connect more fully internally, within your relationships, and to your purpose and passions.
I don’t tend to work on the surface, but to explore the depth, so that we can shine light on the places where your truth may have gotten tangled with the messages from outside of yourself, and lost along the path of trying to fit into the world. This depth that I’m talking about is a place where you don’t have to filter yourself for fear of not belonging, but so that you can untangle yourself from your experiences and hold yourself with more compassion. It is this self Love that leads to change, to becoming “unstuck.”

Holistic refers to the interconnectedness of our whole selves. We are not going to just talk about symptoms or diagnosis, but about you as a multifaceted human being. There are many aspects of who you are, what you have experienced and how you feel about things. When we only look as one piece, we are missing the messages and wisdom from the other parts. When we only look at stopping a symptom, we may be missing the whole reason why that symptom is there to begin with and what it is telling you. In our time together we will take into account the wholeness of who you are through the lens of your “multifacetedness.”