As part of the human experience, we have all experienced hurt along the way throughout our lives, and sometimes those hurts and losses seem to be interwoven into who we are, and how we show up in the world. It’s interesting how sometimes those past hurts keep showing up over and over again, maybe in our relationships? or jobs? In the way we communicate? Maybe it’s how we protect ourselves or hide our vulnerability? What if it could be different?
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Feeling as if you have lost who you really are? Sometimes people come into therapy, or some sort of life coaching because they are not feeling connected within themselves. You may not have a “reason” or “event” but want to get to know yourself better and improve your overall well-being. I describe these feelings as little knocks on the door from within. It’s when something “on the inside” doesn’t seem to match up with your life “on the outside.” Ready to reconnect to yourself?
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We are taught that adoption isn’t different. Society tends to support the rainbow and unicorn side of adoption but what about everything else? What about the confusion, hurts, abandonment and not belonging? What about the feelings you may be having but can’t find written anywhere ? This is where we unpack your personal adoption related experience. Whether you are an adult adoptee, adoptive parent seeking for yourself our you child or a birthparent, maybe it’s time to really be seen and heard in your adoption story?
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